Book Feature: Human-Bacteria Interfaces

One of our member projects has been featured in a recent book publication

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Project featured in recent publication

We are thrilled to announce that a recent book publication featured one of our member projects, Human-Bacteria Interfaces. It is part of the publication "Driving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-Social Renewal"

Book Description from Publisher

Driving the Human is a catalyst for experimentation, shaping sustainable and collective futures that combine science, technology, and the arts in a transdisciplinary and collaborative approach. This publication documents all milestones of the three-year project, contextualizing and expanding its discourse through expert voices and emerging creative visions.

At its heart are seven prototypes for eco-social renewal, each proposing new ways to engage with one another and with what surrounds us, at the surface of the planet and beyond. They explore ways in which AI could mitigate climate change; immerse us in new forms of community through ancestral agricultural knowledge; employ fiction as a tool for new modes of multispecies conviviality; or create embodied connections to understand human impact in endangered territories. 

With contributions from Kim Albrecht, Brigitte Baptiste, Jan Boelen, Corine Pelluchon, Peter Weibel, among many others, this publication offers an in-depth look at our current moment of transformation and advances new proposals for planetary coexistence.

Book details:

348 pages
Softcover, 16.5 x 23,
ISBN: 9788867495870
€ 27 / $ 30